Friday, February 22, 2013

Footnote 2

" Toward  1936, surgeons at the Montreal (Canada)  Neurological Institute of McGill  University  began inserting tiny needle  electrodes  in different  parts of exposed  brains, particularly  in the cerebral cortex. this line  of study  permitted  even more accurate  mapping  of the  inside of the brain. For when  the surgeons touched  certain parts  of the  exposed brain with  the electric needle, the semiconscious patient would remember and speak about  long-forgotten incidents  of his earlier years. in other words, the stream of consciousness could be electrically reactivated. "
 - Justus Schifferes, Probing  the depths of human  Personality,  The Book of popular Science, volume 9, page 104. Grolier International, Inc. USA. copyright 1976

Monday, February 11, 2013

Footnote 1

Since sense organ's  neurons are external/exposed  brain cells,  and  central nervous system's (CNS')  neurons  are internal  brain cells,  we  can conclude empirically that  if  certain  CNS'  brain cells  are  used  as  sensory  neuroreceptors, the  consciousnesses produced are originated too from  the  initial depolarization-repolarization (i.e. initial contact) of  the  sodium (Na+) ions &  chloride (Cl-) ions  or sodium ions & inorganic phosphate (IP)  ions  or  potassium (K+) ions  & inorganic phosphate (IP)  ions  in the  neurons after  the neurotransmitter  attaches  on the membrane  receptors.  Sensory  neurons of the sense organs are external  portion  or extension  of the brain and, in some aspects, can represent brain cells.